12 Stones - tomorrow comes today
雖然主唱 Paul McCoy 因為 bring me to life 一曲頗有名氣  但 12 Stones 本身的星途卻一直不怎麼順遂  好不容易熬到有一張EP可出  主打歌 we are one 實在平淡無奇  只推薦這首 tomorrow comes today

American Bang - wild & young
前奏一下就讓你感受到搖滾的熱力奔放  伴隨著主唱那像極了 Kings Of Leon 的聲音  American Bang 帶來的這首 wild & young 是你今夏不可錯過的 authentic American rock

Anberlin - impossible
兩年前因為 feel good drag 這首搖滾榜冠軍單曲讓比較多人認識了Anberlin  現在他們預計於九月推出新專輯 Dark Is The Way, Light Is A Place  由這首順耳的主流單曲打頭陣  已經在排行榜露臉

Apocalyptica - broken pieces (ft. Lacey Sturm of Flyleaf) / not strong enough (ft. Brent Smith of Shinedown)
先前預告過 Apocalyptica 的新專輯將會跟 Flyleaf, Shinedown 合作  如今歌曲曝光果然不失所望  就請大家慢慢欣賞

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音樂類型(genre): 搖滾(rock)

推薦曲(top tracks): crawling in the dark; I don't think I love you; running away; same direction; so close, so far; the reason

相似藝人(similar artists): Breaking Benjamin, Default, Hinder, Lostprophets, Nickelback, Saving Abel, Shinedown, Sick Puppies, Three Days Grace, Trapt, TRUSTcompany

Seen Live: 8/28/2006 @ Lafayette, LA, opened for Nickelback

講到 Hoobastank 當然不能不提 the reason 這首衝上 Hot 100 #2 以及雙搖滾榜冠軍的代表作
因為這首歌  讓平常不聽搖滾的朋友也認識了這組來自洛杉磯附近小城的樂團  也讓我們在連續兩張專輯慘敗之後  對他們還抱著一絲期望

Hoobastank 於2001年出道  首張同名專輯的首支單曲 crawling in the dark 就一炮打響

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有鑑於資訊流通越來越快速  為了提供最即時的消息以補新歌快訊之不足  因此構思這樣的內容
此篇文章將置頂並持續更新  時間超過一個月的新聞將刪除  以免文章過長 -- 7/25/2010

[Rock] Paramore new song "hello cold world."

[Rock] Four Year Strong streaming entire new album "In Some Way, Shape, Or Form" on their Facebook.

[Country] The Band Perry wins big at the 45th CMA Awards. Faith Hill revealed and performed new single "come home."

[Video Premiere] Bruno Mars - it will rain. Daughtry - renegade. Luke Bryan - I don't want this night to end. One Direction - gotta be you. Melanie C - weak.

[Pop] Rihanna's official 2nd single "you da one" off upcoming new album "Talk That Talk."

[Pop] Cee Lo Green new track "anyway" for the re-release of his latest album "The Lady Killer."


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提醒大家: 點歌名可以試聽

[R&B] Boyz II Men - end of the road I'll make love to you
Boyz II Men 大家都很熟悉  標準的黑人美聲團體  他們在90年代前半期紅當  這兩首歌分別摘下13及14週的冠軍  之後 one sweet day 能拿下16週冠軍  他們的助陣也幫了不小的忙
三首歌總共累計43週冠軍  恐怕是很多歌手望塵莫及的 

[搖滾] Brandi Carlile - the story
這首歌還不到塵封的地步  2007年 Brandi Carlile 以這一曲打開知名度  她唱得慷慨激昂  如泣如訴  還唱到破音  各位觀眾不聽一下就對不起她了 

[流行] Brooke Hogan - about us (ft. Paul Wall)
Brooke Hogan 是摔角名人 Hulk Hogan 的女兒  唱歌當然不是她的事業重心  只是插插花(其實也不知道她的事業重心是什麼 lol)  大家聽聽就好 

[流行] Bryan Adams - everything I do (I do it for you)
經典情歌  不知道的人該打屁股  不過很多人對他的認識也僅止於此  包括我

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Against Me! - I was a teenage anarchist
二線龐克團 Against Me! 推出
新專輯 White Crosses  主打單曲能進入搖滾榜top 20已經算是有所展獲  但基本上是"勉強三顆星"的一首歌

Apocalyptica - end of me (ft. Gavin Rossdale)
來自芬蘭的大提琴搖滾佼佼者 Apocalyptica 從上一張專輯的 I'm not Jesus, I don't care 兩支單曲在大西洋彼岸闖出名聲  如今再度在美國市場投下一顆炸彈  和前 Bush 主唱 Gavin Rossdale 合作最新單曲 end of me
預計八月底發行的新專輯 7th Symphony 還有來自 Shinedown 的 Brent Smith, Flyleaf 的 Lacey Sturm  精彩可期

Black Sunshine - cannonball / holy gasoline / slave
想要發掘新團一聽為快  成為朋友中的指標嗎?  那就別錯過了 Black Sunshine!
出道同名專輯已經發行  首支單曲 once in my life 雖然還沒沒無聞  但絕對不會讓喜愛標準 post-grunge 重搖滾的朋友失望  專輯裡再推薦這三首歌曲(不過主唱實在長得很像 Billy Ray Cyrus :P)

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gaga.jpg  sweet and wild.jpg

Until Friday last week (6/18), Jewel was happy (supposed to be?) with her new album Sweet And Wild debuted at #10 on the Billboard 200 chart, extending her top 10 album string to seven, while Lady Gaga's The Fame placed at #11. However, on Friday when Nielsen/SoundScan re-ran the sales data to include the volume of a digital seller who had missed the initial deadline, The Fame eventually went on top of Sweet And Wild, i.e. the two albums switched charting positions when the chart was refreshed on Friday. Consequences: Jewel's top 10 album string stopped at six while The Fame logged its 47th week on top 10 and continued its journey to the album that spends the most weeks in top 10 without reaching #1.

Congratulations to Lady Gaga and sorry to Jewel. But what's more important here? It's the business ethics of Nielsen/SoundScan, the company that provides data for Billboard charts. They deserve the credit because they refuse to take short cut and are willing to go through all the troubles to do the right thing. They could've easily swept the matter under the rug without anyone else knowing it. They are the single data provider for the nation's most trusted music charts. Nobody would've questioned the ranking. The paper magazine has been issued for the week so it was too late to correct the print. No one is even going to remember the data when next week's chart is released. But they did not do so. They did not take the public's trust for granted and took one step further to ensure that the most accurate data possible was presented. That's why they have established their authority and gained people's trust over time.

I think this is a small but critical news for us know. First of all, this is a good example of business ethics and they did not brag about it. (Thanks to Yahoo Music's columnist Paul Grein's article, otherwise I guess no more than a handful of people will know about this.) An ethical business practice can be as small as this but it's the tiny things like this that lead a company to success. Second, a nation as big as the US with countless retailers can compile music charts every week and even update them within two days, why are we (Taiwan) still unable to have a chart commonly acknowledged by the industry and public? I apparently do not know the reason and obviously have been disappointed like others...

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音樂類型(genre):鄉村(country)/流行鄉村(contemporary country)

推薦曲(top tracks):lead me on, the world is ours tonight, wild at heart

相似藝人(similar artists):Eli Young Band, Kate & Kacey, Lady Antebellum, Little Big Town, SHeDAISY, Steel Magnolia, Sugarland

由闖進鄉村榜top 20的 wild at heart 發跡  Gloriana 是一支兩男兩女的流行鄉村組合
在2009年幫 Taylor Swift 的 Fearless Tour 開場則讓他們的聲勢進一步水漲船高  還跌破眼鏡地奪下當年全美音樂獎(American Music Awards) Breakthrough Artist  證明了他們已經打下了不錯的歌迷基礎(

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  • Jun 10 Thu 2010 22:27
  • Filter

音樂類型(genre):搖滾(rock, industrial rock) / 重搖滾(heavy rock, alternative metal)

推薦曲(top tracks):fades like a photograph / hey man, nice shot / soldiers of misfortune / take a picture / what's next / where do we go from here

相似藝人(similar artists):A Perfect Circle, Army Of Anyone, Ashes Divide, Black Light Burns, Nine Inch Nails, Stone Temple Pilots

工業搖滾並不是我聽得慣的類型  不過凡事有原則必有例外  由出身於 Nine Inch Nails 的 Richard Patrick (巡迴吉他手) 所領軍的 Filter 卻深得我心
2002年的一曲 where do we go from here 讓我認識了 Filter  孰料他們隨後就休眠了六年  直到2008年的 soldiers of misfortune 才又勾起我對他們的記憶 

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Amy Meredith - lying
別被團名騙了  這是個全男性的流行搖滾樂團  澳洲榜上發現的新面孔  MV 拍得像 Motion City Soundtrack 般的搞笑不羈  還打上日文字幕  不知道這群人在想什麼? :P

Band Of Horses - Laredo
我也是初識 Band Of Horses  來自美國的他們卻在英國市場獲得迴響  不難預見他們的作品有著英倫風  主唱以輕如搖藍曲的聲音唱著這首 Laredo

Buckcherry - all night long
經歷上一張專輯 Black Butterfly 的慘敗  Buckcherry 捲土重來即將發行新專輯 All Night Long
首支同名單曲已經曝光  普普通通  不是很看好這首歌能有什麼做為

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[流行] Bardot - poison
90年代末期的 boy/girl band 熱潮連遠在南半球的澳洲也不能置身事外  女子團體 Bardot 曾經於2000年左右紅過  這是她們的出道單曲  泡泡糖歌曲一首就夠了  當然後來她們也解散了

[電音] Beatfreakz - somebody's watching me
2006年荷蘭的電音舞曲團體 Beatfreakz 改編了 Rockwell 這首1984年的名曲  衝上英國單曲榜#3

[流行] Belinda Carlisle - heaven is a place on earth / leave a light on
你一定聽過 heaven is a place on earth  但可能從來不知道是誰唱的(或誰是原唱)
Belinda 原是80年代著名的女子團體 The Go-Go's 主唱  後來單飛留下了這麼一首經典名曲(1987)  另一首 leave a light on 我也很喜歡

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