Britney Spears 這個名字就算不聽西洋音樂的朋友也一定聽過  用「傳奇」來形容她一點也不為過 (I'm Legend 應該要找她演)
不管有沒有出專輯  人們就是就是愛看她  或者應該說是「不放過她」比較貼切  光靠報導她的一舉一動就不知道養活了多少人
她的復出從去年炒到今年現在  也從來沒看過那麼不成功的復出仍然引起熱烈討論  成為人們茶餘飯後的話題

如今  她終於揚眉吐氣
在最新公佈的 Billboard Hot 100 榜單上  Britney 的最新單曲 womanizer 從#96直衝#1  又打破了 T.I. 上禮拜才剛創下的記錄
往後要打破這個記錄只有4種可能: 從#100, 99, 98, 97升上#1
雖然我個人認為 womanizer 能有這樣的成績完全是造勢出來的

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推薦曲:candy, crush, extraordinary, it's gonna be love, someday we'll know (ft. Jonathan Foreman), stupid Cupid

相似藝人:Britney Spears, Delta Goodrem, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jennifer Paige, Jessica Simpson, Natasha Bedingfield

提到 Mandy Moore  就讓人不禁感慨:美少女也是會變老  變胖
雖然沒有真正大紅過  但當年一曲 candy 也曾擄獲不少少男的心

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推薦曲:ashes by now, either way, I hope you dance, I'll think of a reason later, last call, Mendocino County line (with Willie Nelson), the fool, you should've lied

相似藝人:Faith Hill, Jessica Andrews, Jo Dee Messina, LeAnn Rimes, Martina McBride, Reba McEntire, Sara Evans, Trisha Yearwood

雖然在 I hope you dance 之後再沒有代表作  Lee Ann Womack 不少歌迷應該還記得
她的 I hope you dance 當時紅透半邊天  以鄉村歌曲之姿登上成人抒情榜冠軍  最終拿下 Grammy 年度鄉村歌曲

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推薦曲: faded, heaven, maybe tonight

相似藝人:Casey Donovan, Cosima De Vito, Delta Goodrem, Jessica Mauboy, Kate Alexa, Natalie Gauci, Paulini, Ricki-Lee Coulter, Stephanie McIntosh, Tammin Sursok

Kate DeAraugo 是 AU Idol season 3 (2005) 得主
跟多數 Idol 冠軍一樣  Kate 雖有出眾的歌唱技巧  卻沒有能在流行歌壇持續走紅  至今只出過一張專輯

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推薦曲:something about you, superstar, thank you

相似藝人:Amerie, Anastacia, Beverley Knight, Christina Milian, Leona Lewis,
Natasha Bedingfield, Samantha Mumba

讓 Jamelia 嚐到走紅滋味的是一首翻唱曲 superstar (原唱是來自丹麥的 Christine Milton)
接下來的單曲 thank you 則是目前為止她個人的代表作

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Yes, it's about Kid Rock again. This time he gives Steve Jobs a "in your face, Steve!"

Having been unwilling to sell his music in singles, Kid Rock finally signs with Rhapsody, the online digital music store, to retail his music as whole albums only. The fact that Kid Rock insists on selling his music as albums only has been the reason why his songs are unavailable on iTune, because Steve Jobs has his own insistence too. He thinks that all songs should be available in singles for sale, which is good for consumers. Some artists, such as Kid Rock, AC/DC, Beatles, don't like to see their works being disintegrated into singles for sale. The unavailability of Kid Rock songs on iTune includes his recent hit "all summer long," which has unusually been covered by 2 other artist/band and sold on iTune, both making Billboard Hot 100 appearance.

So, which one do you agree with, Rock or Jobs? The conflict has been long lasting and is likely to remain irresolvable as the 2 different perspectives, one from musicians/artists and the other from business men, continue to clash. Putting this aside, however, I personally think Rhapsody is a better service than iTune because:
iTune sells songs at $0.99. Who gets to set the price? All songs are equally priced? Why? And give us unlimited plan like Rhapsody does, damn iTune!
iTune sell songs with stupid DRM. Give us DRM-free music, damn iTune.
iTune requires software installation to use the service, whereas Rhapsody needs browser only.

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音樂類型:R&B / Soul

推薦曲:I wish I wasn't, in my mind

相似藝人:Alicia Keys, Brandy, Faith Evans, India.Arie, Jill Scott, Mary J. Blige, Tamia, Vivian Green

現年已經34歲的 Heather Headley 也至今才出了2張專輯
其實流行音樂似乎不是她的事業重心  音樂劇類的舞台表演才是

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音樂類型:搖滾 / 龐克搖滾

推薦曲:lifestyles of the rich & famous, the anthem

相似藝人:Blink-182, Bowling For Soup, New Found Glory, Simple Plan, Sum 41, Yellowcard

Good Charlotte 的這種狂野龐克路線實在很難讓人猜到他們的團名竟然是源自於兒童書籍
雖然團員們年紀也都不小了  他們的市場還是以精力旺盛的青少年為主

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10 Years - so long, goodbye
10 Years 繼 beautiful 之後帶來第二支單曲 so long, goodbye
單純的吉他伴奏唱出不一樣的感覺  搖滾專輯裡少見但不可或缺的作品

Filter - soldiers of misfortune / what's next
時隔六年  Filter 帶來新專輯 Anthems For The Damned
雖然他們被歸類為 industrial rock, which I'm not a big fan of  但新專輯的曲風似乎有些改變
soldiers of misfortune 及 what's next 這兩首倒是聽得滿順耳
(五月就發行了  不算新歌)

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推薦曲:when I see u, only one u

Diana DeGarmo, Jennifer Hudson, Jordin Sparks, Katharine McPhee, Kimberley Locke, Paris Bennett, Tamyra Gray

Fantasia 是 American Idol season 3 的得主  聲音和 Macy Gray 有那麼一點神似

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