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Adam Gontier announced his departure from Three Days Grace; Dark New Day's Matt Walst will join as the temporary frontman.
--> select your response: (A) WTF!! this is the death of 3DG; (B) see that coming; (C) who the hell is Adam Gontier and Three Days Grace?

Destiny's Child is ready to release a brand new song called "nuclear," which is to be included in their latest compilation album "Love Songs."

Justin Timberlake is ready to release new music.


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**本文同步發表於 Play Music 網站**


那從2006年出道以來,固定每兩年發一張專輯,不曾在這個(搶錢)黃金檔期缺席,也是常勝軍的 Taylor Swift 會不會有新作問世?

果不期然,她在8/14發表了新專輯的首支單曲 we are never ever getting back together
Lyrics Video 同步在 Youtube 上架,短短兩天已經超過200萬次的點擊
在 iTunes 更是賣到翻掉,在不到一小時內就登上冠軍,擠下 born this way 成為銷售最快的單曲
而在今天(8/17)最近一期的 Billboard Hot 100 榜單,這支單曲光憑著電台播放的成績,就已在 #72 亮相
到了下星期的榜單計入銷售的成績,應可輕鬆進入 top 10.  會不會直取冠軍?  讓我們拭目以待

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本文改寫自 Play Music 網站的文章

Matchbox 20, No Doubt, Sixpence None The Richer 這三個樂團有什麼共同點?
(Matchbox 的上一張是精選輯,Sixpence 的上一張是聖誕專輯) 
Matchbox 20 - North (release 9/4), first single "she's so mean" has been released
No Doubt - Push And Shove (release 9/25), first single "settle down" will debut on 7/16
Sixpence None The Richer - Lost In Transition, first single "sooner or later" available for purchase 8/7 


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日前  VH1發表了從2000到2009年最棒的100首歌(the 100 greatest songs of the '00s)  由 Beyonce "crazy in love" 拿下#1寶座
很顯然地  這不是按照電台播放/銷量排行榜成績所產生的名單  因為那是 Billboard 的工作  而 Billboard 給我們的冠軍是 Mariah Carey "we belong together" (同樣期間)
Beyonce 在 Billboard 的榜單上名次最好的是 irreplaceable (#25)  crazy in love 則位居#40

這是第一個我完整參與西洋音樂的10年  因此看這份名單特別有感覺
除了還是不知道 VH1 是用什麼方式/方法產生這份名單的之外  發表以下幾點感言:

VH1 basically pretty much ignored rock and country songs, but VH1's selection is at least more market/mainstream oriented compared to lists from other sources.

若以50名為分界點  我認為以下這些歌都不應該落在後50: Kryptonite (3 Doors Down), it wasn't me (Shaggy), you're beautiful (James Blunt), I try (Macy Gray), unwell (Matchbox Twenty), hero (Enrique Eglesias),  how you remind me (Nickelback), bring me to life (Evanescence), bleeding love (Leona Lewis), I'm yours (Jason Mraz)

同樣地  我認為以下這些歌落在前50(或更高的名次)值得商確: Lady Marmalade (因為是翻唱), I kissed a girl (Katy Perry), party in the USA (Miley Cyrus), daughters (John Mayer), get the party started (I love Pink, but this is not one of her best), bootylicious (where's "independent women" if we're pick Destiny's Child's songs?), clocks (Coldplay), in da club (50 Cent)

基本上選這種期間長達10年的名單有個弔詭  因為人都是短期記憶  所以近幾年的歌比較容易因為鮮明的記憶而入選


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有鑑於資訊流通越來越快速  為了提供最即時的消息以補新歌快訊之不足  因此構思這樣的內容
此篇文章將置頂並持續更新  時間超過一個月的新聞將刪除  以免文章過長 -- 7/25/2010

[Rock] Paramore new song "hello cold world."

[Rock] Four Year Strong streaming entire new album "In Some Way, Shape, Or Form" on their Facebook.

[Country] The Band Perry wins big at the 45th CMA Awards. Faith Hill revealed and performed new single "come home."

[Video Premiere] Bruno Mars - it will rain. Daughtry - renegade. Luke Bryan - I don't want this night to end. One Direction - gotta be you. Melanie C - weak.

[Pop] Rihanna's official 2nd single "you da one" off upcoming new album "Talk That Talk."

[Pop] Cee Lo Green new track "anyway" for the re-release of his latest album "The Lady Killer."


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gaga.jpg  sweet and wild.jpg

Until Friday last week (6/18), Jewel was happy (supposed to be?) with her new album Sweet And Wild debuted at #10 on the Billboard 200 chart, extending her top 10 album string to seven, while Lady Gaga's The Fame placed at #11. However, on Friday when Nielsen/SoundScan re-ran the sales data to include the volume of a digital seller who had missed the initial deadline, The Fame eventually went on top of Sweet And Wild, i.e. the two albums switched charting positions when the chart was refreshed on Friday. Consequences: Jewel's top 10 album string stopped at six while The Fame logged its 47th week on top 10 and continued its journey to the album that spends the most weeks in top 10 without reaching #1.

Congratulations to Lady Gaga and sorry to Jewel. But what's more important here? It's the business ethics of Nielsen/SoundScan, the company that provides data for Billboard charts. They deserve the credit because they refuse to take short cut and are willing to go through all the troubles to do the right thing. They could've easily swept the matter under the rug without anyone else knowing it. They are the single data provider for the nation's most trusted music charts. Nobody would've questioned the ranking. The paper magazine has been issued for the week so it was too late to correct the print. No one is even going to remember the data when next week's chart is released. But they did not do so. They did not take the public's trust for granted and took one step further to ensure that the most accurate data possible was presented. That's why they have established their authority and gained people's trust over time.

I think this is a small but critical news for us know. First of all, this is a good example of business ethics and they did not brag about it. (Thanks to Yahoo Music's columnist Paul Grein's article, otherwise I guess no more than a handful of people will know about this.) An ethical business practice can be as small as this but it's the tiny things like this that lead a company to success. Second, a nation as big as the US with countless retailers can compile music charts every week and even update them within two days, why are we (Taiwan) still unable to have a chart commonly acknowledged by the industry and public? I apparently do not know the reason and obviously have been disappointed like others...

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B.o.B 的出道專輯 The Adventures Of Bobby Ray 登上專輯榜冠軍  並且以該專輯的第一主打 nothin' on you 拿下冠軍單曲  他是過去25年來第24個/組藝人達成這樣的記錄: 以出道專輯登頂  並且該專輯產生了至少一首冠軍單曲
Yahoo Music 的專欄作家 Paul Grein 為我們整理出了完整名單如下: (詳細原文請看這裡)


Whitney Houston/Whitney Houston(1985)  greatest love of all
how will I know
saving all my love for you

George Michael/Faith(1987) faith
father figure

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  • Mar 22 Mon 2010 05:39
  • SXSW


全美大大小小的音樂節不計其數  在德州首府 Austin 舉行的 SXSW 是其中數一數二盛大知名的一個
SXSW 讀作 South by Southwest  在每年的三月進行  始於1987年
它是一個不局限音樂類型及國界的活動  主流/非主流  流行/搖滾/嘻哈/饒舌/鄉村/電子/另類/獨立  US/CA/UK/AU/NZ/IE/JP/NL/IT/FR/MX  全部齊聚一堂
2010年的 SXSW 估計有超過2000個藝人/團體  於短短五天內在各個場地登台演出
雖然主要是藉著規模經濟給尚未建立知名度的地下藝人/樂團更多表演機會  但由於 SXSW 本身夠大夠有名  不少已經具有主流知名度或是正要開始發光的咖也會出現(例如今年的 Estelle, Snoop Dogg)  也有人選擇在這裡發表新作品(例如今年的 Stone Temple Pilots)  

SXSW 還有一個特點  那就是它和商業活動及新科技結合地非常成功  它同時有 trade show 和 conference 在進行
前者提供商家展示產品/服務的平台  後者邀請各路人士參與討論音樂產業的話題/發展

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紅地毯方面  Lady GaGa 的奇裝異服沒有讓大家失望  其他就沒什麼特別的了  倒是轉播頻道 CBS 的熱門喜劇影集 The Big Bang Theory 女主角 Kaley Cuoco 以一襲"has nothing on inside"的深V字黑色禮服現身  驚豔全場  同時也讓大家為她捏一把冷汗  怕她發生 wardrobe malfunction


頒獎典禮方面  除了 Lady GaGa 及 Green Day 的表演外  並沒有特別精彩
Pink 的表演雖然也贏得很多掌聲  但基本上是巡迴演唱會的結尾直接搬過來  另外  Bon Jovi 在葛萊美的處女秀也值得一提(是的  走過 80, 90, 00 三個年代的 Bon Jovi 在這之前從來沒在葛萊美登台演出過) 

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沒有庫存的文章  只好順手寫一篇來濫竽充數一下  有不有關音樂  就見人見智了 :P

上個禮拜有網友搜尋 Halestorm 的女主唱 Lzzy Hale 連到我這兒來  我就同樣 Google 一下看看會出現什麼  結果發現了一個名單: The Revolver's hottest chick in metal of all time
Lzzy Hale 名列其中(而且該雜誌還為這幾個辣妹出了2010的年曆  直接就是比照 FHM 模式辦理
)  這個名單裡我只認識兩個團: Halestorm 跟閃靈
是的  沒錯!  就是台灣閃靈裡面的bass手兼團長 Doris 葉湘怡
雖然她們絕大多數不是大眾能接受的主流樂團  不過辣妹主唱就令人好奇了
而且認不認識這些團這不是重點  重點是到底是那幾位辣妹被選入了這個名單?  本篇文章當然不會讓你失望  請看這裡 http://www.mtv.com/photos/revolvers-hottest-chicks-in-metal/1627628/4449381/photo.jhtml

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第52屆葛萊美獎將於美國時間1/31/2010晚上在 L.A. 的 Staples Center 舉行  入圍名單於日前(12/2)揭曉  並跟去年一樣地藉由 nomination concert 暖身炒熱氣氛  以挽回逐漸減少的收視群

在上屆得獎結果被嘰笑為 "Granny Awards" 之後  綜觀本次入圍名單有明顯向主流靠攏的現象
三大獎 Album/Single/Record Of The Year 的重覆率極高  Beyonce, Black Eyed Peas, Lady GaGa, Taylor Swift 是最大贏家 (入圍即是肯定 :P)  大致上跟排行榜上的成績吻合
另一項大獎最佳新人就非常多元化  有鄉村的 Zac Brown Band  有流行/R&B的 Keri Hilson  有另類的 MGMT  有另類/獨立搖滾的 Silversun Pickups  有來自英國的 The Ting s Tings

最佳流行女歌手  以 Grammy 的品味來判斷  估計 Katy Perry, Pink, Taylor Swift 都是陪榜居多  應該會是 Adele or Beyonce  最佳流行男歌手就很難猜了  基本上五個都是 Grammy 偏愛的類型
最佳流行團體  Grammy 再犯老毛病頒給冷門的 Hall & Oates or MGMT 也不是不可能

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2009年的全美音樂獎(American Music Awards)於美國時間11/22晚間舉行
Taylor Swift 擊敗 Beyonce, Lady Gaga 拿下 Pop/Rock 類女歌手獎  再次驗證了她是當今全美最受歡迎的女歌手 (今年只要是觀眾投票的獎有 Taylor Swift 入圍  基本上大概可以直接把獎給她這個強力吸票機  不用投了)
閉著眼睛也猜得到: Soul/R&B 類最受歡迎女歌手 Keyshia Cole, Keri Hilson 的人氣怎麼跟 Beyonce 比?  Soul/R&B 類最受歡迎團體/重唱組 Day 26, Mary Mary 的人氣怎麼跟 Black Eyed Peas 比?
而最讓人一頭霧水的大概是 Gloriana 拿下 Breakthrough Artist (他們上台領獎的時候自己都說了: How many of you were thinking "who the heck is Gloriana?" 哈~ 果然很有自知之明)  不過其實這也有跡可循  因為他們幫 Taylor Swift 的 Fearless Tour 開場  等於是沾了 Taylor Swift 的人氣  把他們送上天

然而跟其他由大眾票選的音樂獎一樣  誰得獎似乎不是那麼重要(反正不過就是拚人氣嘛...)
尤其是每年 AMA 的提名越來越集中在某幾個藝人身上(因為提名標準是根據 record sales + airplay  這兩個指標本來就是大者越大  強者更強)  加上除了 Artist Of The Year 跟 Breakthrough Artist  其他獎項都只有三個提名  有些贏家就像前面提的不用等到結果揭曉也猜得到
反倒是頒獎典禮上的表演吸引了更多的目光  AMA 今年也沒讓大家失望  請到的藝人都是一時之選  表演內容也都精心籌劃  十分精彩  以下是幾段影片...

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第43屆的 Country Music Association Awards 於美國時間11/11/2009晚上舉行  這個獎項是由約6000名的 CMA 成員投票選出  有別於 The Academy Of Country Music, CMA 成員投票的考量是比較偏重於商業成績上的表現

本屆頒獎典禮仍由 Brad Paisley + Carrie Underwood 再度攜手主持  得獎的焦點看來看去怎麼看都還是 Taylor Swift  她一個人抱走了4項大獎: 最佳女歌手, 年度專輯, 年度音樂錄影帶 (love story), 以及最大獎年度最佳藝人 (Entertainer Of The Year)  是史上最年輕的得主
另外  逐漸竄起的 Lady Antebellum 也有所展獲  奪下了 Single Of The Year (I run to you), Vocal Group Of The Year 兩項大獎
而 Sugarland 在重唱組這個獎項上三次提名三次得獎  目前為止是完全打擊
當然  還另一個美麗的焦點就是主持人 Carrie Underwood  她像在開服裝秀一樣地總共換了大概有10套禮服  並豔光四射地表演了新歌 cowboy casanova  也讓整個典禮錦上添花


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Jay-Z - The Blueprint 3 (Parental Advisory).jpeg  Lady GaGa - Just Dance (3-Track Maxi-Single)(Feat. Colby O'Donis).jpeg


Jay-Z 以 The Blueprint 3 拿下專輯榜冠軍  累積總共11張冠軍專輯  其中包括9張個人專輯和2張合輯 (+R. Kelly, +Linkin Park)  一舉超越貓王  成為 Billboard 200 史上冠軍專輯次多的藝人  僅次於 Beatles
相較於貓王及 Beatles 的冠軍專輯分別是散佈在9年與7年內  Jay-Z 的第一張冠軍專輯至今橫跨的時間長達11年  更是難能可貴  一個歌手要維持5年的巔峰都不容易  更何況是11年

Lady GaGa 成為第一位擁有二支單曲分別都被付費下載超過400萬次的歌手  那兩首歌?  想當然爾是 just dance 以及 poker face

Black Eyed Peas 繼續以 I gotta feeling 拿下第12週的單曲榜冠軍  連同前一支單曲 Boom Boom Pow 同樣佔據12週#1  他們加入 Mariah Carey 跟 Boyz II Men 的行列  成為唯三個擁有兩首以上12週冠軍單曲的藝人

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2009年的 CMT (Country Music Television) Music Awards 於6/16晚間舉行
這是一個沒有評審參與  完全由歌迷投票決定的獎項  因此是歌手人氣的最佳指標

在沒有強敵環伺  最大競爭對手 Carrie Underwood 2008年沒有出片的情況下  Taylor Swift 毫不意外地奪下 Female Video Of The Year and Video Of The Year 兩項大獎  尤其是在 Video Of The Year 這個最大獎擊敗了 Carrie Underwood - just a dream
這個可以說是全美人氣最高的女歌手  當天還是開場影片的主角  並和 Def Leppard (她最愛的樂團)一起演出 pour some sugar on me  以及她自己的單曲 you belong with me  感覺整個晚上就是她的個人秀

Taylor Swift 扮成了 Star Trek, NFL player, rapper  令人絕倒

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Forbes magazine has revealed its newest Celebrity 100 list, which ranks the power of celebrities, factoring in their income and fame. This time, Angelina Jolie dethrones Oprah Winfrey, taking away the #1 seat. These celebrities, from movie/TV stars and dirctors/producers to athletes, talk show hosts, and even magicians (David Copperfield) and chefs (Rachael Ray), are cashing in like there is no recession at all.

Here are the singers/musicians who made it in the list (numbers after the names are their estimated earnings in millions). Guess who ranks the highest in this field? Hint: (1) not the foxy on the magazine cover. (2) you got "4 minutes" to figure out the answer and maybe you want to bite a "hard candy" while you're doing it.

#99 Jennifer Love Hewitt (6)
#75 Carrie Underwood (14)
#69 Taylor Swift (18)
#60 Jonas Brothers (25)

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While the focus of this week's single chart may be the multiple entries of Kris Allen and Adam  Lambert, Eminem, the most controversial white rapper of all time, topped the album chart again - his 5th consecutive #1 album. Although the singles released are not as successful as his previous ones and have received no thumbs-up critics, he still managed to sell more than 608000 albums of his latest work "Relapse" in its first week, the biggest opening week since AC/DC's Black Ice last year (2008).

So, another number 1 album by Eminem, what's the difference? With estimated more than 31 million copies sold, he is the best selling artist since January 2000. Yes, that means he beats Mariah Carey, 'NSync, Britney Spears, Beyonce, Shania Twain, Rascal Flatts, etc. If you look at the top 20 best selling artist in the 1990s and in the 2000s, only 4 names are overlap: Alan Jackson, Beatles, Celine Dion, and Metallica. The top 2 selling artists in the 1990s, Garth Brooks and Mariah Carey, are (so far) not even in the top 20 of the same list of the 2000s. Keep in mind that the album sales has been declining at a roller coaster speed since the year 2000, give credit to Eminem's achievement and popularity.

Here's the run-down of the best selling artists since the first week of 2000:
#20.  Celine Dion
#19.  Kid Rock
#18.  Johnny Cash

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第44屆 ACM Award 於美國時間昨晚(4/5/2009)在 Las Vegas MGM 舉行
頒獎典禮由 Reba McEntire 主持  以下是幾個網路上找得到的表演片段:

Carrie Underwood - I told you so  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p61ed1o89dc
非常誇張的禮服  下襬快跟地毯一樣了  唱得實在非常棒

George Strait - troubadour  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74cq9-PVkkA

Keith Urban - kiss a girl  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf7uOm013Y0
很棒的一首歌  難怪能把 Nicole Kidman 娶回家

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鄉村/流行跨界小公主 Taylor Swift 的第二張專輯 Fearless 在本週(4/2/2009)"終於"跌出專輯榜前10名  在這之際讓我們來細數一下這張專輯的豐功偉業:
(更新  8/8/2009)

**自1/1/2009以來  唯一一張總銷售量超過 Michael Jackson - Number Ones 的專輯
**發行38週以來  有32週位居專輯榜top 10  專輯榜史上只有一張鄉村專輯待在top 10更久 誰? Shania Twain - Come On Over (53週)
鄉村專輯榜史上第五位歌手有二張專輯分別都在榜上待了超過20週 (其他四位是 Alabama, Garth Brooks, Kenny Rogers, Shania Twain)
(參考資料來源: Yahoo Music Chart Watch Blog)

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21st_Century_Breakdown_Album_Cover.jpg  enemycover.jpg

Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown
In Store: 5/15, First Single: know your enemy (4/20)

Green Day - know your enemy music video

Third Eye Blind - Ursa Major

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