
Art Of Dying - sorry / watching you watching me / whole world's crazy
首波單曲 die trying 早在去年已經上路  如今專輯 Vices And Virtues 發行  They are the new hope of Canadian post-grunge that reminds you of Three Days Grace and Default. "Whole world's crazy" is the 2nd single.

Avril Lavigne - what the hell (acoustic version)
The regular edition sounds just too juvenile.  Acoustic version is much simpler yet not loosing its adolescent/young adult feeling.

Death Cab For Cutie - you are a tourist
DCFC 發表新作  開頭那幾小節的旋律相當入耳(這還是我第一次聽得慣他們的單曲)  新專輯 Codes And Keys 預計5月底發行

Foo Fighters - rope
The Foos bring us back some pure rock and roll!  Rope debuted at #1 on rock chart.

Funeral For A Friend - sixteen
他們的新專輯 Welcome Home Armageddon 裡比較平易近人的一首歌  同時也是第二支單曲

Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - medicineParis (ooh la la) / tiny light
My BIGGEST regret in 2010: not knowing this band and the sexy sexy Grace Potter.

He Is We - happily ever after
Don't be fooled by the "He" in the band's name, this is another female-fronted band. "Happily," the first single from their debut album "My Forever,"  is a great song that brings you back to your 20s. 

Jebediah - she's like a comet
來自澳洲的 Jebediah 以這支單曲進入top 50  喜歡假面超人之類人形卡通的朋友一定要看一下MV  才知道什麼叫正妹打石頭怪 :P

Jonathan Tyler & The Northern Lights - gypsy woman
It's not too late to know this band and their debut album "pardon me," which was released in 2010. Gypsy woman, the 2nd single from the disc, is an energized tune with deep fried southern rock flavor. 

Panic! At The Disco - memories
Not be confused with Art Of Dying's new album, PATD's new album is also named "Vices And Virtues."  這是他們的新專輯裡另外推薦的一首歌

Saliva - better days
Saliva 的新專輯 Under Your Skin 已經發行  沒有什麼突破  只再推薦這首不錯的重抒情搖滾 

Seether - country song
Seether 這首新專輯的主打歌一開頭還真的讓人嚇一跳  以為繼 Aaron Lewis (Staind) 之後  他們也走上了鄉村  還好到了副歌整個拉回他們該有的風味  快來聽聽挾著鄉村味的重搖滾是什麼樣

Sixx:A.M. - lies of the beautiful people
由 Nikki Sixx (Mötley Crüe) 領軍的 Sixx:A.M. 即將推出第二張作品 This Is Gonna Hurt  再度起用"beautiful"這個字當歌名  仍然是勁道十足的熱力搖滾

Stevie Nicks - secret love
Stevie Nicks 是 Fleetwood Mac 的主唱  已經是62歲的阿媽級人物  仍然能唱出這麼讚的成人抒情搖滾  真是不容易

Sum 41 - crash / what am I to say
Sum 41 推出新專輯 Screaming Bloody Murder  快歌部份萬變不離其宗  沒什麼新奇  反倒是這兩首抒情搖滾跟他們以往的風格大異其趣  比較令人豎起聽朵 

The Downtown Fiction - I just wanna run
如果你要找青春樂團  那麼 TDF 是你最起碼的標準  其他的都只能算是 boy band

TRUSTcompany - close your eyes ('til it's over) / letting go
TRUSTcompany延宕已久的新專輯 Dreaming In Black And White 終於發行  主唱 Kevin 陰柔卻也能嘶吼的聲音仍然為我們帶來強力搖滾的震撼  尤其是像 letting go 這樣的抒情搖滾由他來詮釋  有很不一樣的味道

Unwritten Law - starships & apocalypse
跟上面的 TRUST 一樣  都是本來以為已經玩完的團  卻都在今年令人驚喜地出現  但可惜地也都同樣地沒能帶來水準以上的復出之作  這是他們的新專輯 Swan 的首波單曲

Yellowcard - with you around
經過四年的休息  Yellowcard 的新專輯 When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes 已經發行  他們的作品仍舊充滿了青春的活力

You Me At Six - rescue me (ft. Chiddy)
YMAS 跳脫流行龐克  嚐試饒舌搖滾  找來 Chiddy 唸上一段  算是頗成功的結合

Aqua - how r u doing?
Although passed their prime, Aqua is still working hard trying to keep up with the trend with this pop dance new single. Very catchy but nothing special...

BC Jean - I'll survive you
這位 if I were a boy 的共同創作人以這首她的個人新作在網路上引起熱烈迴響  預料將是下一首 "jar of hearts" (Christina Perri)

Birdy - skinny love
當 Adele 及 Jessie J 幾乎搶走了所有媒體對英國女歌手的聚光燈的同時  英國榜上出現了這位年僅14歲的 Birdy  她以純淨的歌聲及鋼琴翻唱這首 skinny love (原唱是 Bon Iver)  帶來令人驚豔的感動

Britney Spears - (drop dead) beautifulI wanna go / inside out / seal it with a kisstill the world ends / trip to your heart
Our queen of pop has delivered a kick ass pop album. Despite the heavy auto-tune and lack of real voice from Spears, she's got the best produers and song writers worked with her and the melodies are incredibly catchy and will inevitably grow on you.

Christina Perri - arms
以一曲痛徹心扉的 jar of hearts 逐漸打開知名度  Christina Perri 趁勝推出第二支單曲 arms  同樣是走簡單動人的旋律  出道專輯 Lovestrong 預計5月發行

Jennifer Lopez - I'm into you (ft. Lil Wayne) / invading my mind
on the floor 已經為 JLo 的復出開了一條康莊大道  再加上這兩支曝光的單曲  相信4/19即將發行的新專輯 Love? 能夠創下佳績  

Katy B - broken record
連三支單曲闖進英國榜top 10, Katy B 在眾多新人中已經成功地擁有一席之地  但她精緻的臉蛋實在很難跟她的音樂風格聯想在一起   

Leona Lewis - a thousand lights
This leak is alleged to be Leona's new single. The opening is not bad but its chorus is too weak.

Pitbull - give me everything (tonight) (ft. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer)
我從來搞不清楚 Pitbull 的歌他到底是主唱還是助陣  但是無所謂  重點是別錯過了這首強力節拍的流行舞曲 

Wiz Khalifa - no sleep
black and yellow 以黑馬之姿登上冠軍單曲  Wiz Khalifa 知名度也跟著水漲船高  這首no sleep是他發表的最新單曲  帶著黑人節奏的泡泡糖流行歌

Blake Shelton - honey bee
忙著籌備與 Miranda Lambert 的婚禮的同時  Blake Shelton 也不忘推出新作  並在禮拜天(4/3/2011)剛舉行的 46th ACM Awards (他跟Reba共同主持)現場表演了這首歌  輕快具節奏感的鄉村示愛歌曲  果然很適合用在婚禮 

Eli Young Band - crazy girl
EYB 新專輯的首支單曲  是首四平八穩的鄉村情歌

Gloriana - wanna take you home
去年(2010)的 45th ACM Awards Top New Vocal Group 得主  Gloriana 也準備再出擊  這是他們帶來的最新單曲   

Jake Owen - barefoot blue jean night
夏天快到了  許多歌手趕緊推出適合夏天戶外party的單曲  Jake Owen 的這支新單曲不僅旋律連歌名都讓人感受到夏日的活力

Justin Moore - if heaven wasn't so far away
以出道單曲 small town USA 拿下鄉村榜冠軍闖出知名度  Justin Moore 準備再出擊  這首順耳的現代鄉村正逐漸在電台發酵中

Kip Moore - Mary was the marrying kind
To Mr. Moore, Mary, the girl he met back in junior high in home town but unnoticed, was the kind of girl he wants to marry. Wanna know the full story behind this song? Be sure to check out the video.

Sara Evans - my heart can't tell you no
Sara Evans 睽違6年的全新專輯 Stronger 順利登上鄉村榜冠軍  首波單曲 stronger 搭配著電影 Country Strong 已來到鄉村單曲榜 top 10  另外再推薦這首翻唱曲(原唱是 Rod Stewart  出自1988年的專輯 Out Of Order)  她唱出了不一樣的味道

Breakage - fighting fire (ft. Jess Mills)

Chris Brown - beautiful people (ft. Benny Benassi) 

DJ Tiësto - c'mon (ft. Diplo)

Example - changed the way you kissed me

LMFAO - party rock anthem (ft. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock)
很少一次介紹這麼多電音  有性感迷幻女聲幫你救火(fighting fire)  有知名歌手(Christ Brown)交給一流DJ製作混音  有場面壯觀的電音派對(DJ Tiësto: 各位朋友不要再混那小小的夜店了  要搖就要搖大的  一次成千上萬人一起搖)
另外  Example 跟 LMFAO 都是以電音為基本元素的流行舞曲 

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