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If you follow US TV shows and you love music, you can't miss Empire.

Official Trailer

Empire is a music and entertainment company founded by Lucious and Cookie Lyon, who have been divorced.
As Cookie is released after spending 17 years in prison for drug dealing and Lucious is preparing for Empire's IPO, the story started to unfold.
The couple have three sons: Andre, Jamal, Hakeem, each of whom has distinct personality.
Andre is the CFO of Empire. Jamal is a talented musician but is gay, a fact that makes him Lucisous' the least liked son. Hakeem is not as talented as Jamal but over-estimates himself and thinks he's the gonna be the king of hip-hop.
The story's foundation is about music, while the Lyon siblings compete with each other and while Lucious is diagnosed of ALS and is trying to find a successor for Empire.
The story is further complicated by the fued between Cookie and Anika, Lucious' current lover who holds an important position in Empire.


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I guess the thing about Taylor Swift is that every time you see her performance, you just wish you were young again.

And also you see a dedicated artist who has grown and improved so much along the way.

It's an easy song but it's definitely not easy to render a such perfect live performance on stage.


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最近西洋流行樂壇真是詭異,呈現兩極化,讓人猜不透歌迷的胃口...  怎麼說? 

Billboard Hot 100 #1連續由兩支另類單曲拿下,而另一方面卻又吹起幾個泡泡糖,像 The Wanted, One Direction 等的boyband, 加上 Justin Bieber 再次出擊,彷彿又回到了90年代末期
而誰會料到Carly Rae Jepsen 的 call me maybe,一首完全芭樂耍花癡的單曲,竟會在英澳都登上冠軍,在英國更硬是擋下 Justin Bieber 的首週冠軍寶座,在美國也是倒吃甘蔗,挺進 top 10 (#8) 

Carly Rae Jepsen 出身於加拿大Idol,是2007年第五季的第三名

music video拍得再老套不過,沒有營養的內容,有的是男女兼顧的癢眼鏡頭


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Some big, fresh releases came out over the past week.

Taylor Swift - eyes open
from "The Hunger Games" movie soundtrack
Taylor Swift has delivered something different, more rock oriented.

Carrie Underwood brand new video for "good girl"
To be honest, this song sounds better with the video, simply because of the gorgeous Carrie. 

Haley Reinhart (3rd place of American Idol 10th season) debut single "free"
I like how they make the song sounds. It has very clear rhythmic beat and Haley's voice just flows with it.

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(何謂為情人節所苦? 單身的時候要想盡辦法裝神秘,不讓別人知道自己的行蹤,好像有約會一樣。有心儀對象或有男/女朋友的時候,要為送禮或安排活動絞盡腦汁。怎麼,我說到你心坎裡了嗎?)

身邊的情人也已改稱為老婆(情人總是老的好,這句是一定要寫的,不然會被打 XD)



單    戀

98 - why (are we still friends)

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Adele - 21
2011年度最暢銷專輯,一舉把 Adele 推上一線女歌手
各大樂評一致推薦,兩首 Billboard Hot 100 #1,葛萊美年度專輯大獎有如囊中物
個人推薦曲:don't you remember / one and only / rolling in the deep / set fire to the rain / someone like you
Black Stone Cherry - Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea
專輯一放有如置身美國演唱會現場,BSC 帶你體驗純正的美式南方豪邁搖滾
個人推薦曲:fade away / in my blood / like I roll / staring at the mirror / stay / white trash millionaire / won't let go

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所謂的British Invasion,顧名思義就是英國的音樂在美國這塊土地上受到歡迎
這是個在1960年代被創造出來的名詞,主要指的是Beatles, The Who等英倫樂團在美國大行其道


1997年有兩組人馬攻下 Billboard Hot 100
分別是 Spice Girl - wannabe 及 Elton John - candle in the wind
此後的八年這麼長一段時間裡,英國歌手無法在 Hot 100 登頂,直到 James Blunt - you're beautiful 終於結束這段讓英國歌手臉上無光的日子

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Love_The_Way_You_Lie_single_cover.jpg  Esom-single-cover.jpg

電影喜歡拍續集  歌曲也喜歡搞 part I, part II
去年(2010)跟前年(2009)很紅的兩支曲子 love the way you lie, empire state of mind 的助陣歌手 Rihanna, Alicia Keys 不約而同地都在自己的專輯裡唱了這兩首歌的 part II 版
除了令人不禁覺得真是無巧不成書  也喚醒了我們對於「續集」歌曲的記憶
只是跟多數續集電影票房不如第一集一樣  part II 的歌曲鮮少拿來當主打歌  要紅過 part I 則更是少之又少了 

bust it baby (part 2 peaked at Hot 100 #7)
這是本篇5首歌曲裡的唯一例外: part 2是主打歌  part 1卻是bonus track  兩首歌並沒有先後推出  其實是收錄在同一張專輯裡
Part 1: Plies ft. Trey Songz
Part 2: Plies ft. Ne-Yo

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跟大家分享一支在 youtube 看到的影片: 這位有心人士剪接了 Chuck 這部影集的各個片段  依照 Taylor Swift - you belong with me 歌詞的內容編排成這支影片
看完的感覺是: 配得實在太好了!  他是怎麼找到這些片段  又是怎麼會想到配上這首歌的?  一個不知道 Chuck 也沒看過 you belong with me MV 的人  大概會完全以為這就是這首歌的 official video

我本身也是 Chuck 的影迷(mostly because of Yvonne Strahovski )  加上覺得這位網友的用心一定要受到表揚  所以就特別寫一篇紀念 :P
歌曲的部份大家耳熟能詳  就不用多介紹了  跟大家簡介一下 Chuck (台灣好像也有播)
Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi) 一開始登場時是一個軟弱沒用的電腦/電器大賣場 Buy More 員工  由於某種因素  他的腦子裡植入了全世界所有有用的情報  於是 CIA 就派了 Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski) and John Casey (他不重要 :P) 來保護他  lucky bastard...
美其名是保護  其實是不想讓 Chuck 這個"asset"落入壞人手中  於是 Chuck 便開始隨著 Sarah 出生入死  故事也就此展開  而 Chuck 與 Sarah 之間微妙的關係當然也就成了重點戲
Chuck 很快就愛上了 Sarah (誰不愛 )  Sarah 雖然也對 Chuck 有好感  但一直礙於"工作關係"而不敢陷下去  因為她明白當一個 spy 如果有了牽掛的人  只會造成自己跟那個人的危險

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Once again, all in a blink of an eye Christmas is just a week away. It's time to listen to some great Christmas songs.
As the year 2009 comes to its end, Christmas is not only a time to celebrate but also a time to review and reflect. It's a time to be together with the people you love and to think of that we are lucky enough to be able to enjoy the music and the time to together.

2009 has been a difficult and shocking year for everyone with events like the death of Michael Jackson and the fall of GM, but it's also a remarkable year as we've witnessed the first African American to become the President of the US. To me, it's first full year of writing this blog. After 18 months of blogging, I've realized that it's hard. It takes enthusiasm, determination, and time, if you want to have some good content in your own blog. It's like your brainchild because no one asked you to do it; it's all self-motivated. I truly appreciate every visitors to my blog, especially those who gave me compliment and encouragement. I am really glad that what I write can bring you guys something and you guys liked it.

Here are several songs that were recently included into my Christmas playlist. Aqua's "spin me a Christmas" is the only new song from this year. Lady Gaga's "Christmas tree" is from 2008. KT Tunstall and Leighton Meester covered the same song. Listen, enjoy, and merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Aqua - spin me a Christmas

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Lady_GaGa_-_Poker_Face_(Official_SingleCover).jpg   umbrella01.jpg

一首歌有沒有受歡迎到能被傳唱的地步  除了看排行榜的成績(通常看進榜週數比較準)  還可以從多少人玩這首歌的翻唱看出端倪
umbrella (Rihanna, 2007)  poker face (Lady GaGa, 2009) 應該是近三年來被最多人拿來玩 cover 的代表作
在這裡隨機列出幾首被翻了又翻的金曲  它們共同的特色是都(或多或少)被改編成了搖滾版:

baby one more time (Bowling For Soup)
收錄在電影 The Freaky Friday 原聲帶裡  Bowling For Soup 把小甜甜(有持續轉型成胖大嬸的趨勢)的成名曲徹徹底底改頭換面  算是頗成功的翻唱

beat it (Fall Out Boy)

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到 L.A. 玩的目的之一就是參觀 Grammy Museum (大家別以為我對各種博物館很有興趣  我去紐約大都會博物館  逛到哈欠連連 XD)
今年二月才開幕  位於 Downtown Los Angeles 的 L.A. LIVE 區域  Grammy Museum 總共有三層樓的展區
雖然規模不比一般的歷史或藝術博物館  但喜歡音樂的朋友有機會千萬別錯過  廢話不多說  馬上帶大家進去參觀...

首先是一樓售票櫃台(完全不用排隊  上門的顧客少得可憐)  旁邊三個螢幕不停播著歷屆的頒獎典禮
買完票後 ($14.95 USD per person)  就直接坐電梯上四樓

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June 25th, 2009 marks a shocking, very sad day on music history, as the iconic superstar Michael Jackson died at age of 50. As a music fan, I've always admired Michael's talent, performance, and achievement. Today the world lost one of its greatest entertainers, but his breakthrough music and videos will be with us forever. Michael, thank you for bringing such wonderful and fascinating music to us. You are truly a legend and we will always remember you.   

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很多歌曲都是寫給某某人  其中以給情人的佔大多數
不過今天不談那愛得死去活來的戀情  來談談天底下最偉大的親情
最近看了一部電影 Taken  片中父親為了救女兒  不惜代價  出生入死 (當然  不是每個當爸爸的都有這樣的本事 :P)  雖然是動作片  不是要賺人熱淚  但也可讓人感受到父愛的偉大
或許這是激發這個主題的原因吧...  廢話不多說  進入歌曲:

Billy Ray Cyrus - ready, set, don't go
當今最紅的女父檔  Billy Ray 在女兒 Miley 將離開 Nashville 到 L.A. 演出 Hannah Montana 前所寫下
英文裡常用的片語原本是 "ready, set, go!" 但這裡歌名改為 don't go  道出了為人父母在子女即將展翅高飛時那種不捨的心情

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不曉得是不是因為 Bon Jovi 先後和 Jennifer Nettles (Sugarland) 及 LeAnn Rimes 合作了 who says you can't go home, till we ain't stranger anymore 打開了鄉村市場
今年夏天  我們看到了兩個類似的例子

Kid Rock - all summer long
雖然 Kid Rock 也不是第一次唱貼近鄉村的歌曲 (之前和 Cheryl Crow 合作過 picture  算 soft rock)
all summer long 會打鄉村榜還是頗令人意外

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有時候  同一時期出道的兩個歌手很難讓人不拿來做比較
例如十年前的 Britney Spears vs. Christina Aguilera
現在同樣是兩個女歌手  同樣走的是復古流行曲風

Duffy 來自英國  首支單曲是 mercy  目前的單曲是 Warwick Avenue
Gabriella Cilmi 來自澳洲  首支單曲是 sweet about me
雖然相距十萬八千里  但音樂無國界  不免還是要把她們放在一起

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  • Jun 22 Sun 2008 10:58
  • 前言

想把我對西洋流行樂的一點認識跟大家分享  也歡迎大家補充迴響討論
同時列出音樂類型 相似藝人 以及推薦曲(並標明重點單曲)
這些是我想帶給大家的東西  其他的詳細資料就請大家google了
另外  不定期的新歌快訊  會介紹一些(我個人認為)還不錯的新歌

文章內容以介紹和個人觀感為主  儘量不評論好壞
我深刻了解每個人喜好的音樂或歌手都不一樣  討論誰好誰壞誰有水準誰沒水準永遠不會有結論
(不過也正因如此  我所介紹的當然也就是符合我個人喜好的)

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